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Picnic online supermarkt

Picnic online supermarket

It's of great value to have this well arranged

"We're growing quite fast as a company, we're busy setting up various fulfillment centers and distribution points throughout the Netherlands." Picnic is a company that delivers groceries to homes in 100% electric cars, because the environment is extremely important.

Making a difference when there's an incident

In the past, there was an incident where someone got sick on site and from that moment on Picnic decided to provide each (new) site with 2 AEDs. “Since then there have been several incidents where we were able to make a difference because an Automated External Defibrillator was available. We also ensure that our people receive emergency response training and know how to use an AED device.

AED-Partner is our regular supplier and maintenance partner. It fits really well; they can deliver what we need and respond very well to the scalability.
We're growing fast and AED-Partner can adapt quickly. Also important: they ensure that the AEDs are always up and running on site.

What makes it special for us is that lives have already been saved a few times. It's of great value to have this well arranged.

Stefan Tjeerdsma
Regional lead


Contact details NL

AED-Partner the Netherlands

Ekkersrijt 4301

5692 DJ Son

T: +31 (0)499 49 00 16

M: info@aedpartner.nl

Contact details BE

AED-Partner Belgium

Everselstraat 133

3580 Beringen

T: +32 (0)11 42 03 45

M: info@aedpartner.be

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